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Interim and 支持措施 for 学生

» 支持措施

支持措施 是non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, 是合理可行的, 而且不收费 to students impacted by an incident (such as complainants, 受访者, and witnesses) that might fall under the sexual misconduct policies, regardless of whether a formal complaint is filed. Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to the University’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or the University’s educational environment, 或者阻止性骚扰. 

支持ive measures may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, 工作或课程表的修改, 校园陪护服务, restrictions on contact between the parties, 工作或居住地点的变化, 休假, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus, 以及其他类似的措施. 支持ive measures may also include written notification about available services both within the institution and the community and options for available assistance as required by the Clery 行为. 

Types of 支持措施 for 学生

大学应提供, 不收费, supportive measures (temporary and/or ongoing) 是合理可行的. These measures may not unduly burden a respondent. 投诉学生, 受访者, and witnesses may make requests for supportive measures to the 第九条 Coordinator or investigator(s) (if applicable), who will help identify all available options and determine which measures to take to support the student.

支持ive measures are available regardless of whether or not the Complainant chooses to report full details (such as the name of the Respondent) to the University or to law enforcement or file a formal complaint with the University. 支持ive measures shall be confidential, to the extent that maintaining confidentiality does not impair the University’s ability to provide such measures.

When a student or employee reports to the University that they have experienced conduct prohibited by this policy, whether the incident(s) occurred on or off campus, the University shall provide the individual with written information about resources and options. The University shall also provide the individual with written notification of health and mental health resources as well as other referrals or services as requested and available both on and off campus.

Please note: 支持ive measures may differ for faculty and staff. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 平等机会和多元化办公室.

支持ive measures for students include, but are not limited to, the following options:
